
Monday, April 29, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans with Sami

First: I cant believe this week is finally here. So much is going to be happening this week, and I am going to be one crazy busy girl. For those of you who don't know. I manage my parents dry cleaning business in our town of St. George, called Malibu Cleaners. On September 11, 2011 lightening hit our main branch and it the building was completely destroyed. 1 year and 8 months later we will finally be able to open the doors to our brand new store, we will be able to finally have a store front open on the west side of St. George where we originally started in 1991. Although it has been a struggle over the last 20 months, my family is very grateful for the support of all those around us. We wouldn't be where we are today if we hadn't had all the amazing support of family, friends, and customers. We will officially open our doors May 1, 2013 at 7am. I am very excited to be able to manage this store along side of my parents and welcome back all the customers who couldn't make the trip to the east side of town. 

Now, for a recap of what I did this weekend.. 
I didn't expect an eventful weekend, but to my surprise I quite enjoyed it.

Friday was pretty much a lazy day after a long day of work, but Saturday was spent at the lake. My favorite place to be when the sun in shining and the air outside is warm. Even though I walked away from the lake being a tad bit on the burnt side, it was so worth every second of the day.

Much Love, Kenzie.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Dear Friday: I am very happy your here because that means that tomorrow is Saturday and I can sleep in. Well hopefully I can sleep in. Dear Kati: Yes I am mad at you for leaving me this weekend. Is your family in Salt Lake really that important. I feel like I haven't seen you in so long. It's ok, leave me here all by myself this whole weekend. Dear Sunshine: I am so happy that you have been here to stay lately. Even though you burnt my knees really badly, I forgive you because I love your rays. Dear Bank Account: I really wish that you had a lot more money than you do in it. I really want to go shopping, like really shopping. On the budget I currently have though, I'll just save it. Dear Luke Bryan: Yes I will be seeing you again. I just purchased my tickets for your concert yesterday. I am just a tad bit on the excited end of the spectrum. Dear Bedroom: We have a date all day Saturday until you are finished. I am going to move all the furniture and take down the television on the wall. I have talked about doing it for weeks. Well now I am going to do it. Dear Boy: You have been making me smile and laugh so much lately. I kind of like it; a lot. It makes everything in the past seem like it is for the very best, because I have such good things finding their ways into my world now. I am happy. Dear Me: I am glad you are finally listening to the words you have been telling yourself for the last 5 months. This is for the best. This will all make sense someday. When one door closes, its because the Lord has something better waiting for you. You are strong.! You are beautiful.! You are worth it.! Dear Life: Even though I question things sometimes, I am glad that things happen for a reason. I am happy that we may not know the reason when it happens, because we learn so much from the journey of figuring out who we are, what we will become, and where we have been. Life is short, we must cherish every single day as if we were not going to wake up to this world in the morning. Dear Followers: Thank you for tuning in once again. I would love to hear from any of you, feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy your weekend and remember to be safe. Until next time, love Kenzie.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Throwin it Back to High School

I cant believe it is already Thursday.
Seems like this week has just flown by.
I think its because I know what lies ahead for next week,
and it will be a crazy busy hectic week.

High School Dances.

Homecoming with Adam '08

Sadies with Coby '06

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happiness, is it in your pocket.?

Happy Hump Day Everyone..
Its that time again for Wednesday Words of Wisdom..

Todays Topic.

so grab the button on the side and write a little note.

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I recently learned something very important, and really took it too heart. When you aren't happy with life, and happiness isn't easy for you each day. You need to look at your life and start eliminating the negative things in which are bring you down. If there are friends who don't make you feel like your true self, maybe its time to move on and find some new ones. If your love life doesn't make you happy, truly happy, then its time to let that person go. If you need to make a change of life so that you are happy day to day, do it. Once you are happy, your world seems so much lighter and brighter. Things will start to fall into place, and you will realize your smiling more often just because you can. Change happens
for a reason in our lives. We have to learn to let things go, so greater things can take place within our hearts. We have to understand that bad things will happen in our lives, because it will make us appreciate when the good things are there to stay. So do something for me. Make yourself happy. If you seems a little down, take some me time and do what you want to do. Smile because you just want too. Enjoy life, it goes by way to fast. It will be over in a blink of the eye. Today will be gone and we will be faced with the thoughts of yesterday. Tomorrow I am going to text someone who makes me smile, get a raspberry lime aid and a sugar cookie because I can, and maybe do a little shopping. All because I know happiness is worth pursuing and making it present in my everyday life. Happiness guys. Its worth having in your lives. Smile, and have a good day.! Much Love, Kenzie.

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What I Wore..

Here have been a few of my favorite outfits lately. 
I am obsessed with Maxi, Mint/Coral, and Chevron Stripes.
Just love them, and love that Spring/Summer Weather is here.

Tank Tops: Buckle
Cardigan: Target
Maxi: Urban Couture
Shoes: Target

Blouse: Dillards
Tank Top: Buckle
Shorts: Buckle
Shoes: Target

Photo Credit: Adrienne Beacco

Dress: Bohme
Belt: Target
Shoes: Forever Shoes


Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

Hello Monday.
Why I am so glad you are here,
not. Ugh, I wanted an extra day.
The weekend just wasn't long enough.
But here is what happened..

Friday: I wore my Tennis Shoes to show my support for Boston. I had the day off, so Kati and I went to lunch at Iggys, Delicious! After I stopped by Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes and got some cupcakes for the girls at the cleaners. Later that night, Kati and I went to see The Place Beyond the Pines. Wasn't what I expected it to be, wasn't my favorite show.

The Place Beyond The Pines poster
The Place Beyond The Pines2The Place Beyond The Pines3

Saturday: I said goodbye to a friend. Little did I know how hard her funeral would be for me. It brought up so many memories of growing up, and made me sad to see her go so soon in life. I know she is in heaven and much better than she was here on earth. Honestly though, it was too soon for that young sweet girl. After the funeral, I worked the rest of the day and wasn't in a mood to do anything. So I came home and engulfed myself in Chicago Fire. Kelly and Casey; mmhmm hotties.! Ok Ok, Peter Mills may or may not catch my eye too..

Sunday: Spend the day in Zion's National Park again. This time though was a bit different. I went up with my brother Levi, cousin Casey, his girlfriend Kelsie, and David who is a friend of mine and Casey's. We had breakfast at Meme's cause of course they had to eat there. Then we rode the bikes up through Zion and then came home. It was a wonderful few hours on the bike. 

It was a good enjoyable weekend..
Till next time.
Much Love, Kenzie.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Letters

Hello Friday..!
and since its Friday, 
that means its time for Friday Letters.


Dear Readers: I find it so hard to write without such sadness in my heart this week. With all the events that have happened not only in my personal life, but here in America. I am so sad to see the amount of evil that can reside in ones heart. I have a feeling this will be a longer than normal Friday Letter, and most of it will be heartfelt. I have so much on my mind as of this moment in time. Please bare with me.

Dear Boston: I put on my tennis shoes today to show my love and support for your town. I am so deeply sadden to think that this world has such evil in it. It scares me to think of what the future holds for us who still have so much time here on earth, and for the future generations who will endure all of it. Dear Waco: My heart is sadden at your tragic event, and I hope in due time that all lives/families affected by this explosion will receive peace in their heart. Dear God: Please wrap your arms around those who are affected with these tragic events this week. They deeply need to know that you love them and are always there. Especially in a time like this, it is so hard to turn your heart to comfort. Dear Tiffany: The second that I heard about the explosion on Monday, I was so concerned for your safety. I am so glad to hear that you, Rob, and the girls are safe. I heart sank to think that there was even a slight possibility of you and the family being hurt. I am so thankful that you guys are safe and were out of harms way. Dear Ashlee: Tomorrow is the day we lay you down to rest. To see a friend go before their time is so hard to see. I hope that your family will all have the comfort of your arms around them. They all miss you so much, its so hard to see. You went way before we all wish you should have, but at least we can say this; we know you are in a better place and watching over all of us now. Dear Kati: Best Friends mean that I will always be here for you.! No matter what it is. I love you dearly, and after yesterday all I want to do is open a can of whoop ass on a girl. There are so many people who love and care about you, never ever forget that my dear. I am so thankful for you in my life. I hope that you know that no matter the time, day or night, I am always just a phone call or drive away. Dear Family and Friends: I just wanted to take some time and thank you all for being in my life. After this all this weeks events it make me thankful for the wonderful people who I have. I wouldn't be here in the place that I am without all of you. I wish I could wrap my arms around each and every one of you today, but since some of you are so far away all I can do is just send my love.

These letters are a little on a lighter note..
Dear Iggys: I will be having lunch in your establishment today, and I hope that I am not disappointed like I was last time. Dear Mother Nature: It would be nice if you brought a lot of sunshine this weekend. Zion on sunday would be wonderful if it wasn't on the freezing end of the spectrum. Dear Team Shafted: Good Luck racing this Saturday out at Sand Hallow. I wish I was able to be there, but I am needed else where. I am sorry. But please for all of our sakes, be safe.! Dear Allergies/Cold: I thought I made it clear that I wanted you to go away. If I didn't make it clear enough, here you go. Get your bags and leave, you are not welcome inside of me any longer. 
Dear Readers: I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Until next time.... Much Love, Kenzie.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Old School

This week my mind has been lost back in time. When life was easier, and playing was all that we worried about. Bringing back all the memories of growing up and the friends that have come in and out of my life during the process. I just wanted to take some time to shout out to the girls that have been there through it all. I love you all and am thankful for each and everyone of you.

Kati: Adopted Sister or shall I say, Long Lost Twin.. Honestly don't know what I would do without you. No matter what goes on in life, we will stop in a second for each other and make sure each other is ok. Best Friends are hard to find, I am just sure glad that I found you! Thank you for sticking through all the thick and thin in life, and giving me a shoulder when I need it. Love You!

Barnum: My Other Half, Where would I be with out my B? Life wouldn't be complete without you.! We have had so many crazy adventures and you have been there with me through absolutely everything, and I mean everything. There isn't one thing we don't share. I love that no matter how long it has been, or the distance we overcome, its like nothing has ever changed. Love You Barnum. MC2 Forever :)

Lindsey: Girl seriously, we grew up together. Best Friends no matter what.! I will always have your back and you will always have mine. I love you to the moon and back, no matter how long the time. Through the thick and the thin, we always find our way. From crazy ex boyfriends too streaking down Main. haha! OOh the memories we have made. Nothing will replace them!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Beautiful Memories

..: Heaven seems so far away :..

A sweet soul returned back to Heaven too soon for us to understand here on earth. There things in this life that none of us will ever understand. One is why God takes away our friend before we are ready to say goodbye. Losing someone so close to you will always a hard thing to handle, at least it will be for me. The fact of the matter is that, you never want to let someone go. You want them to stay here with you on earth. Not having them around and seeing their smiling face, is such a hard thing to have to go through.
My friend Ashlee passed away this past weekend. We were always so close growing up, and as the years have gone by we have drifted apart. Life, School, and Friends can do that to people. You never realize though how much you will cherish the memories you created with someone. Until they are no longer a phone call away.
I will always remember Ashlee for her, shall I call it “witty” sense of humor. She always wanted to make you think that she didn’t care, but in all true honesty. She had one of the biggest hearts I know. She would do anything, including give you the shirt off her back if you needed it.
There have been so many memories of our childhood that have flooded into my mind the last few days. Here are a few of my favorite ones. I don’t have a lot of pictures of us growing up, because we were kids and we didn’t carry cameras till we started being teenagers with phones.

  • I remember the day as if it were yesterday. Ryan had been annoying us as he usually did when all of us girls were over at the house hanging out in your purple bedroom. Finally we took off after him and we were chasing his around the house. We turned the corner and the grass was wet. We all slipped and collided into one another, forming a massive pile on the front lawn. We all couldn’t stop laughing, with huge grass stains all over our clothes.
  • Girls Camp 2005 It was my 3rd year and your 2nd. Lindsey, Kylee, You, and I were all in the same tent together. This was when you decided you were going to bring an entire cooler of goodies, yes an entire cooler. You were so mad when you opened it up and all the little punches had exploded all over the snacks. Oh well you aired them out and wiped them off, determined to eat it all. You were obsessed with your phone that year too. Oh I remember you took it everywhere because you swore you were going to get service so you could text people in “civilization.” You never did and finally gave up. On the car ride home, you phone seriously didn’t stop buzzing or a solid 30 minutes one you had service. It was hilarious.
  • The day you told me you were pregnant. We were in Samurai 21 and you very casually told me that you were pregnant. You thought by telling me in a very public place I wouldn’t freak out, oh but I did. Although at the time I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. Watching you through your pregnancy though, I could see it was such a good thing for you. I loved it. Braxton was a miracle in your life.
  • The day Lindsey ruined my favorite white shorts and cute sandals. We had all decided we were going to go out to dinner, and so we spent all this time getting ready and all cute. Just in case we ran into cute boys or something, oh the life of little girls. I remember we seriously were so loud and obnoxious in Chili’s, thought for sure we were going to get kicked out. Well after dinner you started chasing Lindsey in the parking lot when she slipped on the asphalt and went completely under my car. White short were no longer white, and her leg was completely black to match. I don’t think I had ever laughed so hard watching you too go after each other that day, and then you almost peed you pants from laughing when she turfed it. You honestly sat down on the ground outside, cross-legged, laughing hysterically. Funniest day by far, that one is down in my books for best laugh of a lifetime.

Geez I could go on and on with all my memories, but I will just share one last one. Of course, the best story is saved for last.

  • Blue Bunny: The giant colossal of Ice Cream. When I say giant, I am talking about the one where it has like 25 scoops of ice cream in a huge bowl with whipped cream and sprinkles. Yes, you could choose whatever kind of ice cream. If you ate it all, you got it for free. So of course who decides that we are going to get it, and we are going to finish it. No other than, Miss Ashlee Nelson. Holy that thing was enormous. We didn’t even eat half of it with the three of us girls, yes Lindsey was there because we were all inseparable. So the best part of this story is that Ashlee made me pay the bill, which was like $25 in nothing other than Quarters. Yes, you heard me right, Quarters. I wanted to die. Crawl in a hole and die. The waitress looked at us like we were freaks, who carries that much money around in quarters. Well I do.! Obviously.! Then to top it off, she leaves thanks spelled out in quarters as a tip. Oh Ashlee the laughs we had. I will miss them.

Ashlee, I am very grateful for the time that we had while you were here on this earth. I am so very sad to see you leave so early in life, all though I know you are up there in Heaven watching down on Braxton and your family here. Please make sure to wrap your arms around them tight, they all miss you very much. I will never forget you, your smile, your laugh, and your friendship that we had. The short years that we had while you were here, I will hold close to my heart. I will cherish all the love, laughter, and memories made. Love you Ash, I hope heaven is beautiful. Rest in Peace, till we met again.

I wanted to leave you all with a poem and then some pictures of beautiful Ashlee and her darling boy Braxton

The Broken Chain

We little knew that day,
God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death, we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you.
You did not go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.

You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide.
And although we cannot see you,
You are always at our side

Our family chain is broke,
And nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again.

-Ron Tranmer

Much Love, Kenzie.

Weekend Recap

Yes everyone, it's Monday.
The weekend is over, and 5 more days till it is the weekend again.
But it is time to link up with Sami from Sami's Shenanigans
for the update of what happened over the weekend..

20100529 – Saturday - The Wasatch Mountains and Salt Lake Valley
Photo Credit to: Ray Boren - Website: Click Here

I spent this past weekend up in Salt Lake City.
Visiting family, seeing friends, and eating yummy food.

Friday: After the 4 hour drive from St. George to Salt Lake, Mom and I were starving. So we picked up Grandma and went to Jim's. There French Toast with Strawberries is to die for. So flipping good. Little did we know it would be a huge family dinner. Aunt Vickie and Uncle Dan; plus all their kids (minus Nathan and Chris) arrived at Jim's right after we had sat down. So we opted for a big table and all sat together. After dinner I was able to hang out with Casey, Kelsey, and David. David picked me up on his new bike, which was a blast to ride. Just need to get myself a better fitting helmet for his bike. I am so mad that I didn't get a picture of us together on it. Would of been one for the books. Well they are all coming to visit in a couple of weeks, and I will make up for the lost pictures. I can promise you all that. :)

Saturday: Emmie was being baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The whole family came to support her and show our love. It was a lot of fun to be able to spend time with all the family afterwards at the Leake's house for a luncheon. Emmie looked so beautiful in her baptism dress and I am now kicking myself for not getting a picture of her in it. I took a few pictures of myself with Maddie and Brynn, and of course Mr. Luke wouldn't do it with us. So I snapped a few pics of him when I could..

I totally was in love with my outfit for the Baptism.
Skirt: Rock 'n' Rose
Blouse: Bohme
 Tanks: Buckle
Shoes: Nordstroms 
(Not Pictured; Nude Peep Toe Stilettos)

For dinner we met up with Torie and Pnut to have some Joe's Crab Shack.
Delicious to say the least, I wish we had one here in good ol' St. George.
The atmosphere was so fun and the drinks were to die for.
Strawberry Peach Sangria, yummy.

Sunday: Before I headed for home, I went to Fashion Place Mall and did all little shopping. H&M was calling my name. Can you blame me though, they have amazing stuff and amazing prices. Then Mom, Grandma, and Myself met up with Kenzie Barnum for some California Pizza Kitchen. I love their think crust pizza almost as much as I love the place in San Diego. Yes, I did eat almost the entire pizza myself. The rest went in a box for the car ride home, and was consumed for dinner. No CPK Pizza shall ever be waisted. It was so good to see Barnum. I have missed my sidekick so much with everything going on in life. It sucks having her live in SLC, but I love seeing her so happy. She loves it there and her life is just going so well for her right now. I am so happy for her.!
So I jumped in the car and headed for home. Saw a ton of cops, and didn't get a ticket. I would say the trip was a success. On a sad note, I had a friend of mine pass away this weekend. Life is too short, and people are taken away from this earth way to young. Don't take life for granted and cherish the time you spend with loved ones, friends, and even acquaintances. You never know when their time will come and god will take them back home to live with him. Rest in Peace my friend. You will be missed..!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
Much Love, Kenzie