
Friday, May 31, 2013

The Last Day of May

So, I made it to the last day of May. I completed the Blog Every Day in May Challenge; yippee! Since it is Friday, I am going to combine my topic for the day: a vivid memory  with Friday's Letters.

Dear Barnum: I have no idea what I would have ever done without you in high school. You honestly were the one who kept me sane and got me through it all. I remember when we decided to do this photoshoot for your birthday. I think it may have been one of the smartest things that we decided to do in High School. I love going through all the pictures and remembering how much fun we had that day. I don't think we ever stopped laughing. I am so incredible grateful to have you in my life. We have been through it all, and yet we are still as close as ever. I know that no matter the miles we may have between us, in a second we would be there for each other. Love ya Barnum.

I'm also going to link up for Five Question Friday

1. What is an acceptable age for girls to start dating?I personally think it depends on the maturity of the girl. I think that 15/16 is a good age to start dating, but I also think that girls shouldn't get serious with a guy until they are atleast to the age of 18+. They are so young and girls need to experience the fun of growing up, dating, and seeing who is out there.

2. Do you think your kids should have summer homework?
Homework during the summer, I don't think it should be manditory. I do think that kids should keep their mind growing and gaining knowledge throughout the summer. So I think it would be a good idea to do programs during the summer, like reading programs and camps. Places where kids go and have fun, and learn and keep their little brains going during the summer months. Make it a fun place, where kids want to go each and every summer.
3. Would you prefer to live without AC or heat?
AC. You always can turn on the fans, open up the windows, but without heat I would die. I get so cold as it is, that I don't know how I would do without the option of having heating in a home.
4. What the worst thing about staying in a hotel? (Besides not being with your family)
I think never knowing what kind of a bed situation you are going to have is my biggest problem. Is it going to be clean, itchy, comfortable. I always end up taking my own pillows, I hate sleeping on hotel pillows. The floors, I don't walk barefoot that often. I never know what has been spilled, whats growing, ewww the thoughts of that kills me.
5. So, do your kids really get "104 days of summer vacation"? (Bonus points for those of you that get this reference!)
 I don't have kids, and since I am no longer in school. I don't pay attention to how may days of Summer Vacation the children get around here.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Letting Go : What is it too me.?

Day 30, Thursday: React to this term: Letting Go

There is one thing every single person has in common; we all want to be happy and in return we do all things possibly to avoid hurting. We pin our happiness on either a materialist object or someone else. We grasp onto the feeling(s) that we gain from the object or person, and in return we hold on with all our might. We put way too much of our personal happiness in other people’s hands, instead of learning to make our self happy. By letting go and learning to stand on our own two feet, we gain ground that can’t crumble unless we say so. Letting go of the happiness that we grasp too, is letting real happiness in.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pictures Say It All..!

For as long as I can even remember Memorial Weekend was always a weekend that our entire family would wait all winter long for. It meant that it was the start to summer, and the end to school, and the beginning of our favorite time of year; Boating Season! This has been the first Memorial Weekend that I can remember, where my parents were gone, by themselves. Leaving us “kids” to fend for our own Memorial Weekend fun, but no doubt we of course did what we know best. We piled into the truck, threw the boat on the back, and headed for Lake Powell. Here is a picture glimpse of our trip…
Lake Powell 2013 : Memorial Weekend

Schemv & I

Little Bro & I

The Girls (Brandi, Myself, and Kati)

Best Friends

Never can take enough pictures

Love my new hat

Messy Lake Hair

Love Birds (Wyatt & Brandi) - They fell asleep like this right after lunch

Brandi's finally got up

I finally started driving this summer.! Yay me!


Yes, I think my litte bro has a cute butt.!

Turds went and bought kid bikes to ride up and down the docks

Then they did this and were hooked!

Tan Lines = Success!

Haha Schemv was obsessed with them.

All in All, it was a weekend for the books. Had soo much fun.!
Until Next Time
Much Love, Kenzie.

Monday, May 27, 2013

A Letter To You - Day 27

Dear Readers and Followers,

First off I want to say Thank You to every single one of you that takes time out of your day to stop by my little corner of this blogging world and read. I sure appreciate knowing that you enjoy reading what I write. I love reading comments, all of them are cherished. I really do mean that too. I love feedback from my readers.
I started a blog a really long time ago; it was more of a personal blog to keep family updated. I was never really passionate about the blogging world. Then things started to get rocky with life in December of 2012 and I turned to my blog. My life was changing a lot, and I decided to turn my time into something that I had enjoyed reading. I loved following along with friends who were passionate about blogging. So my once personal blog became Life in the Sunshine. I needed some change, and I thought this was a perfect place to start.
I am really passionate about my work, and I always give my best in whatever I do. I grew up working in our family-owned Dry Cleaning business and didn’t appreciate it much. Then I moved away, and then I longed for that job that I had no idea that I completely fell in love with. It is so true that once something is gone, you realize how much you need it in your life. Following my heart and a boy to North Dakota was such a great learning experience for me. Even though the boy and I didn’t work out, I learned so much about myself in the process. I knew once I moved home what I wanted to do. I wanted to take the business that my parents had worked so hard to build from the ground up and keep it going. I wanted to follow in their footsteps and keep their legacy going here in Southern Utah. They are such an inspiration to me. I have such a love for this company and the work that we do for the community.
Following your instincts is such an important thing to me. I feel like you should do something because it is something you want to do, not because it is something the people around you expect from you. I have learned so much in the path that I have taken, and it is things I would have never learned if I have made the decision to do what people had expected of me. The experiences I have had in my life have made me who I am today, and I am grateful for that. I try as much as possible to always follow and do what I feel is right for me; even if other may disagree in my choice or choices.
Last but not least, follow your dreams. Write them down, take pictures of where you want to go, and make sure that you check them all off. Take the time to do things that you want to do in life. I have a Bucket List, most of them are cheesy things, but they are things that I want to do. They are things that I find are important for me to accomplish and look back and say that I did that. So take that list of things that you want to do in your life, write them down, and do them! Document the journey of life, that way one day you have a million pictures to look back on and smile at memories you made in those pictures.
Again, I am so happy that you stopped by and have taken your time to read my little blog. I cherish each and every single comment and/or feedback you have for me. Do one thing for me today. Hug those close you one, and tell them you love them. Have a wonderful day, and hope you stop by again.

Much Love, Kenzie.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 26 : Online Reading

May 26
So i'm not a huge celebrity follower, but I do love this girl right here.
Kellie Pickler is absolutely an amazing soul.
After her concert here in Southern Utah, I was hooked.
She is so down to earth and this article shows it.
I love people who are this beautiful, talented, sweet, and down to earth.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 25: Good and Bad

Saturday, May 25th
Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget

Good: You are strong Kenzie, you will get over this.

Bad: You have a really weird upper lip.
I will tell you this though. I am confident with who I am.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Guess What…?
Its Fridayyyy!

 That means its time to link up with Ashley
From The Sweet Season for this edition of
Friday Letters : Memorial Style

Dear Veterans: I wanted to take a minute and Thank You for your time served for this country. I can't express my gratitude for you to stand up and fight for the rights of the free land. You are the ones who make such a difference in our lives here. You made a choice, in which I appreciate so much. I have an amazing amount of respect for you. To The Veterans Who Have Passed: Thank you for fighting for this country. You passed away a hero, fighting for the wonderful rights we have in this country today. The choice you made, the day you signed up, was a remarkable choice. I admire you so much for it. Because of your service, we are able to wake up each day in a country with so much opportunity. Thank you again, I can't express how much it means to me.

Dear Friday: I am so happy you have arrived, this week has been going by so so so slow. I never thought you would show your lovely face. Dear Lake Powell: Are you ready for this crew to cruise your water.? We are all just a tad bit excited to spend this beautiful Memorial Weekend with you. Dear Cold: If that is what you are, go away. I am tired of feeling crappy. Dear Work Customers: I was once again astonished at how wonderful you all are this week. Here I am with no voice, and you go out of your way to bring me Passion Tea just to help out. You are all too sweet. Thank you! Dear Mom & Dad: I know your having fun and all in Costa Rica, but it is time to come home this week. So please don't be too much of crab pants when I pick you up on Wednesday. I will be glad your home. I may or may not have missed you, I will never admit it. haha, love you! Dear Lisa (my wonderful nail lady):  Your are just simply amazing. My fingers and toesies look absolutely amazing once again. I owe you so much for making me feel pretty! Ah I just love you! If you are looking for a new nail lady, Lisa is your woman, believe me. She is amazeballs!
Call Lisa Thompson at Salon Khroma. She is amazing.!

I found this fun little link up via Life and Lemons
and thought I would give it a try this Friday.

1. Do you wake before the alarm or stay in bed until the last possible second?
I stay in bed and hit snooze until the very last second possible.
2. Who should get a baby shower? Is it just the first baby or all babies?

 I think the first of each sex, unless it has been like 6+ years between the babies.

3. How will you spend Memorial Day?
I will spend it with Kati, Brandi, Levi, Schev, Wyatt, & Corbin on the beautiful water of Lake Powell.

4. Do you have a Storm/Hurricane/Tornado/Fire plan for your kids, house..?
We don't have Major Storms, Hurricanes, Tornados, but we do have Fires. My family hasn't ever put a plan in motion. Sad.!
5. What is your favorite morning drink?
I love Coffee, Apple Juice, or Milk.

Much Love, Kenzie.

Day 24: Traits

Day 24, Friday: Your top 3 worst traits
I have really struggled with this post. I believe that every single person has things about themselves that they personally don’t like. I believe that people have things about them that they want to improve. So instead of says that I have horrible trait about myself, I am going to tell you about the 3 things that I am currently trying to improve in myself.

1.    Always Stay Positive. It is such a hard thing to do sometimes, but I think that it will be so much better for my depression if I stay positive.

2.    Be Healthy. Now I consider myself to be a “healthy” person. I think I can do better though. Eat better foods, consume more water, work-out, Involve myself with happy people, and smile. That is a happy healthy life.!

3.    Bottling Things Up. I have always been the kind of person who keeps things inside of me; then I just explode.  I am trying to be better at taking something that is currently bothering me and hitting it right on the head when it is currently present. I am trying to not bottle things inside, and create more stress and anxiety than what I need to have.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 23

May 23
(10) Personal Life Lessons
So here are a few things that I have learned so far in my 23 years.

-           Life gives you challenges. They were brought into your life for a reason. I believe you aren’t given things that you can’t handle. You will overcome it and you will learn from it. If you think that it is pushing your limit, take a breath and remember you wouldn’t be faced with it, if you couldn’t handle it.

-           We need to make peace with our past to be able to enjoy our future. Let go of the harsh feelings toward someone who hurt you. Learn from your mistakes. Embrace the things you can’t change. Smile each and every day. Be grateful for what you have in the present. Enjoy what will come into your future.

-           Trust is something that is precious. Once you lose someone’s trust, it is a hard thing to gain back.

-           Be Confident in who you are. You a special and unique person, treasure that. You don’t ever want to be exactly like someone else. There is no fun in that. Plus, I believe that confidence in sexy and beautiful. If you believe in yourself, you can do anything you put your mind too.

-           Drama isn’t something that just walks in and out of your life. You either (1) create it (2) invite it (3) associate with it.

-           If you never fail, then you aren’t trying hard enough. I believe that you have to fail to be able to get something perfect.

-           Time is the greatest gift you can give someone. You are spending time with someone that they will never get back.

-           A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your family and friends, your dreams, your dignity, and your happiness. A healthy relationship will grow your bond with those who you are close too, push you hard toward your dreams, stand by your side at all times, and make you happier than you ever thought possible.

-           Talk is one thing, Action is another.

-           Happiness is created by you and only you. You create your happiness. You invite it into your life each and every day. You are the one who lets yourself be happy.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Words of Wisdom Wednesday : Encouragement


Good Morning.! Happy Wednesday.! This Wednesday I am going to post a story that I am sure most of you have read at least a time or two. I just love this story though; to me it is so much more than just an old man with encouragement for the man on the other side of the room. It is a story of hope, wonder, and happiness. I would love to hear what you guys think about the story, and if you have any stories that you think are like this one. Hope you all have a happy hump day.

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.

Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.

As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by.

Although the other man couldn’t hear the band – he could see it. In his mind’s eye as the gentleman by th! e window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed.

One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside.

He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed.

It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window

The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.

She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.”

Author Unknown

Day 22

Your giving me the permission to Rant, perfect.!
(10) Pet Peeves and Things That Tick Me Off
-           When someone chews gum with their trap wide open
-           When you go so far under the speed limit you’re a hassard
-           When people don’t use their blinkers
-           When someone is a constant moocher
-           When someone is always late
-           When someone can’t change their own tire. I feel like everyone should know how to do the basics on a car before they drive it.
-           Annoying, Prissy, Immature Girls. I can’t stand them. I’m sorry, but I just can’t do it.
-           Boys who play with your heart
-           Broken Promises. If you make a promise to do something important, to me. Do it. You Promised.
-           Tell me the freaking truth. Even if it is going to hurt me, I want the truth.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chicken and Veggie Pasta with Garlic Cream Sauce

×           1 TBLS minced Garlic
×           1 lb Chicken Breast, cut into ½ pieces
×           1 Zucchini, bite size pieces
×           1 Crooked-Neck Yellow Squash, bite size pieces
×           2 Bell Peppers, bite size pieces ( I like yellow and red)
×           2 TBLS Butter
×           2 tablespoons Olive Oil
×           1 1/2 cups Heavy Whipping Cream
×           1/4 cup finely chopped Basil
×           1/2 cup grated Parmesan
×           8 ounces of Linguine
×           Salt and Pepper
Boil water and cook pasta. In a saucepan add butter, zucchini, squash, and bell pepper; steam until cooked. Cook chicken until done. Add chicken and veggies together. In sauce pan that you cooked the veggies in; add olive oil, garlic, and bail, then cook for 1 minute. Pour in heavy cream and bring to simmer. Cook until cream begins to thicken, add parmesan, salt, and pepper. Let thicken for approx 2-3 minutes; pour over pasta, chicken, and veggies. Serve and enjoy!

Day 21

"My Favorite Posts"
My family and Best Friend Kati seriously are my entire world. I love this post about our Mother's Day weekend. I love how close we all are and how we take a million photos, hardly any of them will be normal faces. These posts show how Kati and I are practically hooked at the hip. I freakin love this girl more than my best friend, she is practically my sister. For hell sake, everyone in the family says she is our sister.
I really love all my Words of Wisdom Wednesday Posts. I really take the time and think about what I am going to post on Wednesdays. I think everyone needs that middle of the week pick me up. A good story, something inspiring, or some advice. That is why I started doing this Words of Wisdom Wednesday posting.
Remembering a friend is always such a beautiful thing. That is why I love this post about my dear friend Ashlee who passed away this year.
My life has changed so much in the past 6 months. This is when I decided that "A New Start" was needed and Life in the Sunshine made its debut into the blogging world. I wanted a fresh new start.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 18, 19, & 20.

May 18
Childhood Story
October 1, 1993
Dixie Regional Medical Center in St George, Utah
My baby brother Levi J Spafford was born.
I remember while Mom and Dad were in the room with “the doctor” and nurses,
I would sit on the big dark blue steps in front of the nursery window.
“The Big Pop” popsicle in hand, provided by the nurses of course.
The first memory I have of Buddy.
May 19
5 favorite blogs
I love Mikell’s stories, fashion, and she always has good products that she blogs about. Plus, who couldn’t resist following stories of baby bunny Winston. He is just so darn adorable and complete spoiled.
The advice that Amanda gives on her personal marriage is wonderful. I take so many of her things to heart, even though I am not in a romantic relationship now. I use it in my personal everyday relationships, with family and friends.  It has helped build and strengthen my relationships.
Lindsey or “elle” has such a real life blog. I love that I can relate to the things she posts about. Her struggles with dating and life are things that I deal with everyday. I love how much she loves her little Mia, I can’t wait to have a little puppy that is as adorable as Mia is.
Ashley blogs about so many different topics, and I love how she writes letters to her husband every single week on Friday Letters. She has stayed so true to what she wants to blog about. Her recipes are always so good too.
So, I am obsessed with photography. I love the way that pictures capture so many different things. Emotions and so many different memories of that day, place, and time can come flooding back into someone’s thought just by a single picture. That is why I love The Pretty Blog. Following a photography blog is something I truly enjoy looking at every single day.
May 20, 2013
Get Real. Something I am struggling with right now.
As I said a few days ago, life is really pretty good for me right now.
I have an amazing family,
I have amazing friends,
And I have a job where I love working.
I can’t complain much.
But finances, who doesn’t have problems with them.
I wish I made more than I do.
I wish things weren’t as expensive as they are.
I want this and I want that.
But I need this, and I have to buy that.
So needs come before wants,
And I am left with nothing left to save up for an amazing trip
Or a shopping spree.
Oh well, I wake up smiling.
And continue on my way,
It will get better.
much love, kenzie.