
Friday, September 27, 2013

Finallyyy Fridayyy

Dear Friday: I am so happy you’re here. This week has been a whirlwind of long days and tiring hours. I never though I would be this tired running after a toddler all day for 3 days in a row. But, man I am pooped. Dear Fall: You are in the air and I am loving it. I love fall, it has to be one of my absolute favorite season. Something about the leaves changing, air cooling down, hot cocoa in hand, pumpkin spice lattes at starbuck’s, and the fact that I can boots almost everyday. I am in love with you and I am so happy your finally making your presence. Dear Starbucks: You are draining my pocket book these last few weeks, because I simply cant resist your delicious fall drinks. We have a much love hate relationship right now. Dear Kati: Color Me Rad is tomorrow,,, and I am pumped up! Can’t wait to help you out with the booth. It is going to be so much fun, even though it will be freezing outside. I am super excited.! Dear FB Friends: As a part of blogtemeber I am supposed to write a little letter to you. So this is what I have to say. I really cant stand all the drama about your lives that you post. I mean be cruel, but I think it is very unnecessary to post constantly about all the crap you and your other half are going through, or if you hate some girl at school, or blah blah blah. I use facebook to keep updated with my family and I think it is time for a deep clean of friends and cut out all the crappy drama of FB. 

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