
Monday, September 16, 2013

Lil Bit Country.

Weekend Shenanigans: Country Style.

I can’t believe that it is already Monday. I have been so MIA from this blog this past week, and I apologize. I have been so busy with work this past week, that I haven’t even had time to think about blogging. I wasn’t at my normal store location, where I have access to my computer; and I usually can squeeze in a minute or two for blogging. I was slaving away press side this last week, helping out the crew. I missed being over there though, I have to admit. I love the interaction we have, and the fun we have each and every day..

One: Thursday Ashton and I took the kids I nanny to the Rodeo
Two: What kind of a Rodeo is it, with out some Boots?
Three: Got my Nails done on Friday, In love once again.
Four: Ashton and I went with Kati and Casen to Sakura on Friday night.
Five: Snapchats from Saturday Night at McArthur's Cabin.
Love that all us were at the same table; Snapchating each other at the same time.
Six: More pictures and Snapchats from Saturday Night
Seven: We went bunny hunting, and the boys took the bikes, ps this photo is missing Sean and Chris.
It was hilarious, we would spot a bunny in the truck, and the boys would chase it with the bikes.
Then we would kill it. But Levi and Chris ran this one over.. Oops. So much fun!
Time for a little BLOGTEMBER catch up.
Wednesday and Thursday's topics,
well I have no favorite online shops, and I will do Thursday another day.
Friday, September 13: A self portrait
 I honestly don’t remember the last time that I took a self portrait that is worth sharing anywhere other than snapchat, but I did come across this photo that I took last Wednesday/Thursday I believe. So I will share it with you guys today

Monday, September 16: Write a public love letter to someone in your life.
(It doesn't necessarily need to be romantic.)
 Dear Kati,
I wanted to take a second to thank you for your friendship. I am beyond blessed to have such an amazing best friend in my life, and I honestly do not know what I would do without you. You are such a strong and inspirational woman; I look up to you in so many different ways. I love knowing that you will always be there for me, and have my back in any situation. Yet, you’ll be the first one to tell me when I am being dumb, and I need to have a life check. I am grateful though, because you are always honest with me. I know that I will always be able to come to you in a time of need, and I will always get the advice I need to hear. They say that best friends will be the one who will always support you in your decisions, the ones to help you in a time of need, and give you space when you need it. The best thing about our friendship though, is it’s more than a friendship; it’s more of a sisterhood in my eyes. I am so blessed to have you in my life, and I love you.


  1. Awww how cute! It's nice to have great friends.. hard to find.

    1. Thank you! I have the best friend in this entire world. I may be bias but I sure think she is!

      ps you may want to add your email to your account, so when you comment I can just email you back a reply. instead of coming on here. here is a link that has amazing tips.
