
Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday Link-Ups - Easter

If you have been following this little blog for a while, then it comes with no surprise that I love holidays. I love everything about them; the traditions, the celebrations, the décor and of course the food. Easter is no exception on that holiday list.

All of these fun Easter ideas can be found on my Pinterest!

I confess that I love Easter because of the fun pastel colors that Easter brings. All of the fun and bright home decor gets me super excited to decorate my own little space one day.

I confess that I think the thought of the Easter Bunny is quite awkward. Who wants a gigantic bunny hopping around leaving eggs everywhere.

I confess that my family is a ham family on Easter. I love ham; I am totally okay with having ham every single Easter Sunday.

I confess that I look forward to coloring Easter Eggs every time and get really sad if I don't do it one year. I guess that is just the kid in me.

I confess that I love looking at little girls in their Easter Dresses. I think it has to be one of the cutest things in the entire world. I just love it. 

I confess I would probably get more excited about my Easter basket than any other 24 year old.  My parents always get the best stuff, Reese Peanut Butter Eggs. Yep, those things are a serious guilty pleasure.


  1. Love your enthusiasm for Holidays! The Easter themed confessions are perfect! I love holidays as well!

  2. I love easter time, your decor looks like it will be beautiful
