
Friday, August 15, 2014


Hellooooo Fridayyyy! Friday is one of my favorite days, because well 1) its the weekend 2) its time for some link ups 3) I always get to meet new bloggers on Friday's because of the link up! So, it's time for a little Confessional Friday with Leslie from A Blonde Ambition

The Creative Closet : White Hot
I confess that I was ready for this week to be over, as of Tuesday. I am completely exhausted and worn out; I don’t know what from either. It just hasn’t been my week, to say the least. 

I confess that I can’t believe I will be 25 in two weeks. I know it probably isn’t some big huge thing, but it is kind of crazy to think about. 

I confess that this whole screwed up sleep schedule I have had this week, is getting old. I would love to just be able to get a solid night’s sleep without tossing and turning all freaking night. 

I confess that when I read an article about how McDonald’s doesn’t clean their McCafe machines, I was immediately disgusted. I from that moment decided that McDonalds probably will be out of the question for me. 

I confess that I have been craving a Caribou Coffee really badly this week. I had one every time I was in the Denver airport, they are pretty amazing to say the least. Alright St George, time to step up your game and finally get a Caribou in our city!

I confess that I can’t wait to go to Springdale this weekend with Kati. It has been far too long since we have had a meal there, I am pretty darn excited to say the least. Eeek! 

I confess that I found this amazing bag at Dillard’s this week while we were school shopping for Bailey. I am swooning over it… Hey family, just a reminder that my birthday is in two weeks. 

Do you have any Friday Confessions? Linkup with us over on Leslie's blog!

1 comment:

  1. Love that cute new bag you're sporting! Stopping by from the link-up. Hope you catch up on some good sleep this weekend :)
