
Friday, August 8, 2014


Hello….. FRIDAY!

Aren’t I excited to finally see you! Well simply because:

1) It’s the weekend
2) It’s my Dad’s birthday, Happy Birthday Old Man
3) There is a surprise happening this weekend
4) I get to sleep in tomorrow, for a little bit at least
5) I get to link up with Leslie for some Confessional Friday

So, let’s get to this little Confess Seshhh…

I confess that I have really cranky this week, something is in the air.

I confess that I shouldn’t of worn white to eat sushi on Wednesday night. Bad, Bad Idea!

I confess I may possible be completely in love with the photos that Ashley Meagan took for this Tuesday’s addition of the Creative Closet. Stay Tuned and find out!

I confess that I have been completely addicted to a couple of songs this last little bit: 

I confess that I didn’t link up with The Creative Closet this week because; I had something far more important that I felt needed to be place for that day. It had been an urge deep inside of me since Sunday and I finally knew I felt strong enough about it Tuesday morning. I couldn’t deny the feeling. If you didn’t read about the horrible tragedy that happened here in Southern Utah last week, read it here.

I confess that I really wanted to post the post I had ready for The Creative Closet, but I decided to downsize it for you today... keep reading (:

I am not typically a girl who goes for sparkles when it comes to clothing options, simply because I really hate that a majority of them rub the heck out of my arms while I wear it. If there are ‘glitter or sparkles’ on my clothing, it will typically be the pants I have on. I wear a lot of Rock Revivals that have jewels on the butt. I didn’t feel exactly inspired though by these to put an outfit that classified as All ThatGlitters.

I decided to take it a different route in the ‘Glitter and Sparkle’ department, because I believe that details of an outfit can make it SHINE. It could be a beautiful watch, bracelet, necklace, or something of the sort that makes an outfit shine in its own personal way. 

Here is my favorite way to make an outfit SHINE…..


P.S. this is a little sneak peak of next weeks The Creative Closet link up on Tuesday...