
Thursday, September 11, 2014


Never Forget 9.11.01

It was around 7 am in Utah when the attacks happened in New York. I was in route to school and no idea what was unfolding in our country at that very moment. The second the buses pulled up to school and we were let into our classrooms, everything about that day changed. 

I will never be able to forget sitting in class that morning as my teacher called her daughter over and over again; her daughter lived in New York City. I was in 6th grade at the time, watching as every single television in the entire building was turned to the news station. It was as if time stood still; everyone in shock. 

Today, we honor the memory of the lives we lost that fateful day. We pay tribute to the first responders and service members who continue to protect our nation. We join with the families who mourn lose of their loved ones in memorials and moments of silence throughout the country. We thank the Police Officers, Firefighters, EMS, Service Men and Women, First Responders and people who risked their own lives to protect and prevent the further loss of lives that day. We especially thank any division of the Service Men and Women who protected and continue to protect our freedom this day.

We will always honor and remember 9/11!

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