Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places,
and/or the factors that make up who you are.
My family is the glue that keeps my life together. I have always
believed that family may not all be blood, because family are the people who
keep you going and always are there to hold you up. I don’t know what I would
ever do without my family. My Mother and Father have taught me so much when it
comes to hard work, and always doing your very best. My Father has taught me to
be strong and never let anyone stand in the way of what I want in life. My
Mother has taught me to always believe in myself, especially when times are
tough. My Brother will always be my protector, and the one person that will do
absolutely anything for me. It doesn’t matter the time, the day, or the place;
if I need him, he is there. I hope that one day; I will find a man who will
treat me like my brother treats me. My Sister Torie is the funniest person I know,
honestly though. I never know what is going to come out of that woman’s mouth.
She has been the most help when everything went south bound in my last
relationship. I was trying to understand my depression, and without asking, she
helped me understand so many different things. She took it upon herself to
help, in whatever way she could. My Best Friend Kati is my other half.
Seriously, that is the only way to explain it. She is the person who I can
trust with anything, and know that no matter what I have done, she will have my
back! She knows exactly what to say, and when to say it, when I need to a help.
I love how close we are, the jokes we have, the bond we have created, and
knowing that we will always be there for each other.
My family is huge into Humanitarian Aid and Service Projects. I
think that this is a huge part of why I am the person I am. I have gained so
much appreciation for the thing s I have in my life, due to the service we have
given. There is nothing more humbling, then helping someone in need. Near or
far, it will hit you like nothing else will. When we started helping elementary
schools in Costa Rica, I was at the very young age of 6/7. I remember going to
this one school, and we helped supply them with computers that actually worked.
The guy who went with our family, took apart the computers, and made 3 very
good computers out of 5 bad computers. My Mother and Father were able to talk
with some of the families who had children in that class we helped so many
years ago. Because of the help we have supplied these kids of the years; 3 of
the children went on to college. These once children are now a doctor, a
lawyer, and very well known chef. It is absolutely amazing to me that we helped
these kids grow up to be such inspiring people. Hard work and dedication, only
pays off in the end.
Well that is just a little about who I am..
Much Love, Kenzie.
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