When you decided to go through old boxes of photos, you come
across marvelous treasures such as the pictures below. So in honor of the notorious
#throwbackthursday, I thought I would share these awesome pictures with you. I am
taking it back to the days of uber cheesy grins, picture posing queen, matching
outfits and leather doc martin sandals.. geez, these pictures are so old. They have
to at least be 10 or 12 years old.

I am unbelievably excited that Thanksgiving is just a short
week away. It is that time again for Turkey, Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, Green
Beans, and Pie; lots and lots of pie. Eek! I am super excited and then not to
mention that Christmas is just a mere 3 weeks after that. No worries people,
before you blink it will be Christmas Eve and you will have wondered where in
the world that entire time went. Between shopping, children, hot coco, food,
more shopping, present wrapping, families to see, long lines to endure, and the
little children all excited to hear Santa; Christmas Eve will be here and it
will all be worth the hassle of the last few weeks. I am so excited for the
Holidays, as I always am. Time to start pulling out the Tree and getting the
house all decorated.! Well to continue on with my Thankful Thursdays as I have
done in this post and this one, I give you a short list of the things I am
thankful for this week.
-one- Rain. This morning it started raining and to me rain
is so peaceful. I love the sound of it, the smell, and the calm feeling it
always brings me. Not to mention, I get the best sleep when it is raining
-two- Coffee. I don’t honestly know what I would do without it;
I absolutely love getting up in the morning and pouring myself a cup of it. It
may possibly be the reason that I get going in the morning.
-three- Online Shopping. Since I live in a town that doesn’t
very well accommodate the shopping needs of everyone in this town, I am
grateful for online shopping so I can get everything I need.
-four- Work. I honestly do love my job, I love the people I work
with, I love what I do, and I love the customers who come in (most of them).
Now that I am taking on a second job, I am grateful for the opportunity to be able
to have a primary job that will work so well with a secondary job. I know long
days and night will be head of me, but I am grateful that I have the opportunity
to be able to get two jobs to support and enjoy life the way that I want too.-five- Kati. I know that I have already mentioned that I am grateful for family and friends, but ladies and gents; my best friend is amazing. I don’t know what I would do without her. She seriously is my rock, glue, or whatever you what to call it. She is so supportive of my decisions, yet tells me when I am being a complete idiot. I read this article yesterday; it describes our relationship to a T. We are more than friends, best friends, sister, we are soul mates; it’s the truth. We are a package deal, you get 2 for 1. Hooked at the hip and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Much Love, Kenzie.
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