Most bloggers have already stated their
opinions of the fashions that showed up at the Met Gala this year. I like to
wait and see what the critics say, then see if I agree with them. So here is my
best, worst, and what the hell list. I want to hear what you thought of the
outfits on the floor that night.
Lets start off with…
What the hell were you thinking?
Anna Wintour: Oh Sweetie. It looks like you and Grandmas tablecloth collided in the closet.d
Elle Fanning: The make up is just not good for anyone, and the dress; all I can say is it is bad.

Ginner Goodwin (above) & Jessica Pare (below)
I don't know who to be mad at here. You, for walking out the door like this; or your make-up artist for doing this to you. Make-up like this doesn't even seem Halloween appropriate.
Katy Perry: I know you like unquie styles, but this one honey is just bad. Kind of look like a wall painting, a museum, and gold glitter had a bad party.
Kim Kardashian: Blogger already know what I think of your pregnancy fashion crisis, but honey your stylist should be fired. Like now! This head to toe floral is just not good, especially when pregnant. Kayne West: Even you don't look good.
Madonna: Yes you are "Madonna", that gives you no reason to not wear pants. Your a mom for heaven sakes. This has trouble and help me written all over it.
Miley Cyrus: Oh Miley, Miley, Miley. I thought your hair was cute when you cut it. Fun, Punky, Edgy; but this proves me wrong that you have no idea what to do with your hair. God help you if you ever style it like this again.
Nicole Richey: or shall I call you Jack Frost. Honestly, that is the first thought that went into my head. Mrs Jack Frost. This is horrible from hair to toe. Never Again. Please.!
Keep tunned in for more.. Part 2 and Part 3
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